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  Global Jihad and America : The Hundred-Year War Beyond Iraq and Afghanistan

Global Jihad And America : The Hundred-Year War Beyond Iraq And Afghanistan

by Taj Hashmi

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 895.50
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  Global Jihad and America questions the assumption if Islamist terrorism, or “Global Jihad,” poses the biggest threat to modern civilization in the East and West. It explores if Islamic and Western civilizations, being “incompatible” to each other, are destined to be at loggerheads. Consequently, the book argues that state-sponsored terrorism and proxy wars—not terrorist acts by “non-state actors”—will pose the biggest security threat to the world.

This study does not suggest that the world has already reached the cul-de-sac of its destiny with no point of return. Both America and the Muslim World can play important roles to avert the catastrophe. Meanwhile, the gap between the needy and the rich and powerful is widening. Throughout history, sections of the rich and powerful have manipulated wars in the name of peace and justice, religion and freedom. So the big question now is: with America and its allies waging a “war on terror and extremism” and their Muslim adversaries defending honor and religion, is a disaster looming?

ISBN - 9788132113782

Pages : 344
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