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  Beyond Newton and Archimedes

Beyond Newton And Archimedes

by Ajay Sharma

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  Taking into account the current experimental and technological accomplishments and theoretical methods, this book stresses the basic laws of science, i.e. Archimedes principle, Newtons’ laws, need to be generalized. Generalization of the laws and principle are inevitable. Newton did not discover the Second Law of Motion F = ma. This is clear from the critical study of the Principia. The 2265 years old Archimedes principle has limitations that it does not take into account the shape of the body and the viscosity of the medium under consideration. The Archimedes principle predicts that the volume of the medium filling a floating balloon/vessel becomes indeterminate, i.e. 0/0. These are serious limitations of the principle. Archimedes principle is generalized (up thrust is proportional weight of fluid displaced), the generalized form takes all elusive factors in account. In the existing literature there is no quantitative theory which may explain the phenomena of rising, falling and floating bodies quantitatively. Such a theory is described in the book for first time.

Further background of Newton’s laws of motion is discussed since days of Aristotle (384-322BC), Philiponnus (490-570), Buridan (1300-1358) and Galileo (1564-1642). The First Law of Motion is applicable under ideal conditions when resistive forces are not present in the system of the body and the medium. The Second Law of Motion is just the mathematical form of Newton’s First Law of Motion. Newton’s Third Law of Motion has been restated as ‘to every action there is opposite reaction but it may or may not be equal.’

In this book:

• 2360 Years Old Aristotle’s Assertion Revalidated by Stokes Law

• Construction of Water, Glycerine and Ethyl Alcohol Barometers

• Archimedes Principle: The Oldest Established Law

• The Generalized Form of Archimedes Principle

• Prediction of Indeterminate Form Of Volume From Archimedes Principle

• Is Stokes Law Applicable for Rising Bodies?

• Limitation of Existing Theories and an Alternate Theory of Rising, Falling and Floating Bodies

• Route to Newton’s Laws of Motion

• Experimental Confirmations of Equations of Conservation Laws in Elastic Collisions

• One-Dimensional Elastic Collisions and Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Newton’s second law of motion, F = ma was not derived by Newton. It is clear from the Principia. However, the first and third laws, as we teach now, were given by Newton.

The mathematical equations, based upon the Archimedes principle, became feasible after 1937 years of enunciation of the principle. How did scientists take the principle for granted for so many years without equations? Newton defined g (acceleration due to gravity) in 1687.

When mathematically analyzed, the 2263 years old Archimedes principle predicts that, under certain feasible conditions, the volume of the medium filling a balloon becomes undefined, i.e. V = 0/0 (meaningless).

When the Archimedes principle is generalized, then the exact volume, i.e. V = V is obtained.

Further, the Archimedes principle does not account for the shape of the body, the viscosity of the medium, etc., these factors can be taken into account by generalized principle. The generalization can be experimentally confirmed by sensitive experiments.

R. Piazza reported anomalous observations to the Archimedes principle in sensitive experiments, i.e. heavy particles of gold floated over the surface of a lighter medium.

Aristotle’s assertion about falling bodies (i.e. a heavier body falls more quickly than a lighter one) is even now true under the conditions. Stokes law holds good (in fluids).

In the existing literature, there is no theory which explains the distance travelled (fallen or arisen) by bodies of different magnitudes (1 mgm or less and 10 kg or more) of different shapes (spherical or distorted) in time t (say 1s) in various fluids. Consequently a generalized theory of rising, falling and floating bodies is formulated for the first time.

The Italian scientist Evangelista Torricelli constructed a mercury barometer in 1644, but even after 369 years no water barometer has been constructed. It would require a tube 10.3 m long and future experiments may be revolutionary in many respects.

ISBN - 9788130926742

Pages : 336
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