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  Why are Manhole Covers Round

Why Are Manhole Covers Round

by Charlie Mulraine

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 150.00
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  Why are manhole covers round?" is Microsoft`s well-known interview question that still stops hopeful job applicants in their tracks.

In today`s job market, the last thing you need is a trick interview question that stumps you right out of the job of your dreams. It`s why so many graduates and first-time job seekers around the world have come to rely on Mulraine`s Interview Success Guide - it`s the all-in-one, up-to-date resource to absolutely transform the way you approach job hunting, write cover letters, make first impressions and ace crucial interviews. "Why are Manhole Covers Round?" shows you how to recognize and appreciate your unique strengths and passions. Communicate your abilities in a compelling manner at every stage of the recruitment process. Create powerful and valuable networks for your future career development.

Build rapport with clients enabling you to speak their language during interviews and presentations. Approach job hunting with confidence and a real sense of purpose. "Why are Manhole Covers Round?" steers you from a potential fall down the deep, dark hole of joblessness to scoring the job of your dreams. ISBN - 9789381639030

Pages : 136
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