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  GATE MENTOR 2015: Electronics and   Communication Engineering

Gate Mentor 2015: Electronics And Communication Engineering

by Sandeep Joshi G Naveen Babu, Santosh Kumar Sengar, V Anand

  Price : Rs 699.00
  Your Price : Rs 594.15
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  With GATE Mentor, Cengage Learning Exam Crack SeriesTM brings a

suite of products to cater to the needs of students appearing for the GATE

(Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering). Currently, GATE Mentor is

available for Computer Science and Information Technology, Electronics and

Communication, Electrical, Mechanical, and Civil Engineering branches.

Each book in this series is divided into three sections, namely, General

Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, and the technical section. Each section

is further divided into chapters comprising theory, solved examples, practice

questions, and previous years` questions with solutions. Each book also

includes three solved model papers at the end. Understanding the need of

current-day students, additional practice questions are made available on an

Android App downloadable from Google Play.

GATE Mentor books are authored by academicians from premier

engineering colleges. While the technical section in GATE Mentor 2015:

Electronics and Communication Engineering has been authored by Mr

Sandeep Joshi of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department

and Dr G Naveen Babu of Electrical Engineering Department, at Shiv Nadar

University, the section on Engineering Mathematics has been contributed by

Dr Santosh Kumar Sengar of Department of Mathematics at the University

of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and the section on General Aptitude by Mr V

Anand of JNTU Hyderabad.

With adequate content to hone theoretical skills and ample solved questions

for practice, the aspirants will be able to achieve success in the upcoming

GATE exam.


¢ Conforms to the pattern and syllabus prescribed by GATE

¢ Covers all course fundamentals

¢ Offers clear explanations for all problems and objective type


¢ Includes previous year solved papers up to 2014

¢ Includes access to 10 free tests on Cengage Learning`s Android

App. These tests can also be accessed on the Web.

Table of Contents:

Section A: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning

Chapter 1: English Grammar

Chapter 2: Sentence Completion

Chapter 3: Synonyms

Chapter 4: Antonyms

Chapter 5: Comprehension

Chapter 6: Reasoning Ability

Chapter 7: Archives

Section B: Numerical Ability

Chapter 1: NumbersISBN-9788131524145

Pages : 716
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