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Gitanjali:Rabindranath Tagore

by Rabindranath Tagore

  Price : Rs 95.00
  Your Price : Rs 77.90
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  Gitanjali, the English version, is a collection of selected poems from the original Bengali Gitanjali, and from other collections like Gitimalya, Kheya and Naivedya.

This anthology, translated by the poet himself, contains 103 works of poetry. They do not necessarily stick to the original versions, and there are many radical modifications. Some of the translations leave out parts of the original, while some are greatly altered. One poem in this collection is actually a combination of two different poems in the original Bengali.

Yet, they retain the vibrancy of the original work, conveying powerful and diverse emotions like joy and sadness. Many of these works are about nature. True to the name of the collection, a thread of spirituality runs through them all. Gitanjali means an Offering of Songs.

This work was composed by Tagore before his visit to England in 1912. It was highly appreciated by his audience and readers. The Irish poet, W. B. Yeats, felt that he had been stirred by Tagore’s poems in a manner like he hadn’t been in years. Tagore won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913, mainly because of Gitanjali.ISBN - 9788171676767

Pages : 142
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