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  Developing Countries and the WTO : Policy Approaches

Developing Countries And The Wto : Policy Approaches

by Gary P. Sampson And W. Bradnee

  Price : Rs 795.00
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  It is widely accepted that a well-functioning global trading system is a prerequisite for trade promotion and the development of developing countries. However, it is equally well recognised that the trading system has not worked to the advantage of many developing countries. In this regard, the Doha Development Agenda—negotiations launched at the WTO to rectify the situation—has failed.

Compared to just ten years ago, developing countries are much better informed with respect to trade negotiations. Also, they now comprise two-thirds of the membership of the WTO—an organisation based on consensus—giving them a new power and authority in future negotiations.

For this reason, it is of critical importance for developing countries to have clear proposals for reform that are both ambitious and realistic. Only then can they constructively promote their interests in the coming years. This book addresses the critical policy choices now facing developing countries with respect to trade policy. Experienced negotiators, scholars and trade officials from very different backgrounds offer policy prescriptions to secure a world trading system that will meet the needs of developing countries. Table of contents

Introduction and overview, Gary P. Sampson and W. Bradnee Chambers

Part I. Market access

Why developing countries need agricultural policy reform to succeed under Doha, Kym Anderson and Will Martin
The cotton initiative, Magda Shahin
The WTO non-agricultural market access negotiations: Opportunities and challenges for developing countries, Sam Laird
Trade in services and policy priorities for developing Countries, Gary P. Sampson

Part II. Legal flexibility

Special and differential treatment: The need for a different approach, Constantine Michalopoulos
Special and differential treatment for developing countries in the World Trade Organization, M. Supperamaniam

Part III. Facing challenges

Making TRIPS work for developing countries, Graham Dutfield
The development objectives of the WTO: State-centred versus human rights approaches, Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
A human rights approach to sustainable development within the World Trade Organization, Jens Pössel
Asymmetric integration: The role of regionalism , Ken Heydon

Part IV. Process

Developing countries and the reform of the WTO Dispute Settlement System: Expectations and realities, George Akpan
WTO negotiations on trade facilitation – Lessons for the future? New perspectives for and from the developing world, Nora Neufeld ISBN - 9788189640903

Pages : 358
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