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  Sarva Siddhanta Sangraha of Shankaracarya

Sarva Siddhanta Sangraha Of Shankaracarya

by M. Rangacharya

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 300.00
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  The long name of this work Sarvadarshana-siddhanta-sangraha, which obviously indicates it to be an epitome of the accepted conclu-sions of all the philosophic systems current in India at the time of its production. Nevertheless, it appears to have been known by the comparatively shorter title of Sarva-sidhanta-sangraha also, as it is, for instance, found mentioned in the Pramanattirattu of Manavalamauni, a well-known religious teacher of the Shri-Vaishnavas of South India. Five manuscripts have been used in preparing the text for this edition of the Sarva-siddhanta-sangraha. From the standpoint of Hindu Vedantic controversy, there is also another noteworthy feature in the Sarva-siddhanta-sangraha. In this work we are given a Vyasa-mata as distinguishes from the Vedanta-mata. The former of these two matas is said to be based upon the religi-ous and philosophic teachings contained in the Mahabharata, while the latter is declared to rest upon Bhagavatpada GA¦ovinda?s explana-tion of the VA¦edanta-sutras held to have been composed by Vyasa. It is to this explanation alone that Shankaracarya would evidently give the name of Vedanta.ISBN-8178541084

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