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  Voice of CBI

Voice Of Cbi

by M Narayanan (Former Jt Director: Cbi)

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 464.10
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  This book narrates the practical experiences of the author, during his career of more than thirty-eight years in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). It starts with a random note, which nourishes the reader to read further pages till the end. It explains the happenings under various Directors, whom the author had the opportunity to work with. It makes the reader aware, with various pressures, under which an investigating officer works to get the case solved. The author has worked as an investigator, as well as a supervising officer and therefore, he marks the natural difference between the two.The author has revealed the true facts of investigation of some high profile cases like `Cash for MLAs of Chhattisgarh involving the role of Sonia Gandhi, Ajit Jogi etc.’, `Ram Janam Bhumi-Babri Masjid case’, `number of terrorist crime cases’, `Goa child sex-abuse case’, `Cochin spying case’, `Ajit Sarkar murder case’, `Anti-Sikh riots cases involving the role of Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish Tytler’, etc. etc.

The book carries a detailed account of the IC 814 hijacking case and the personal details about the accused Abdul Latif, along with the vital role played by him to commit the crime, and as well as of those three militants, who were released in exchange of the hostages and the aircraft. It also carries accurate details of the Nithari serial killing cases. The author brings the role of militant organizations based in Pakistan and also that of the ISI. The book also refers and explains some of the controversial cases, in which the CBI has been criticised. Some of the revelations in the book will of course be new for common people as these details have not come out in the public domain, so far. It explains the tough life, inside CBI, and of course comments on the real facts, which the author feels are important, to bring these on record. The intention of the author is not to cast any aspersions on anybody, but to reveal the realities for the improvement of the system required as per its relevance today. It is the considered opinion of the author that the life of the CBI investigators and prosecutors, who are the backbone of this organisation, requires to be improved for better output. The author only wants to place the real facts, before the readers, without any malice towards anybody.This book has, therefore, come up, as an authentic and eye opening account of the functioning of CBI with fine details and the significant role it plays for the well-being of community and society.

ISBN - 9788170494676

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