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  Kashmir in Blood Tears : Anglo-American Conspiracy

Kashmir In Blood Tears : Anglo-American Conspiracy

by J.K. Sharma

  Price : Rs 875.00
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  Kashmir in Blood Tears : Anglo-American Conspiracy

The book studies the problem of Jammu & Kashmir from humane and historical point of view and in the context of United Nations’s resolution and international law. In this book, the whole study is broadly divided in three parts. First part focusses on Jammu and Kashmir tangle, with a brief sketch of the past history of the State, up to Partition and the ensuing Pak-led Tribal invasion in October, 1947. The discussion in the second part concetnrates on events that accentuated the tangle. The plebiscite is discussed at UNO level and in the light of UN Charter and the International Law. Third part deals with the remedical steps, viz, repeal of Article 370, abandonment of a separate Constitution of the State. In addition, constitutional, social, political, economic and educational ameliorative steps are suggested. ISBN - 8185040613 , 9788185040615

Pages : 525
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