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   Nuclear Radiation Detectors

Nuclear Radiation Detectors

by Shyam Sunder Kapoor , Valangiman S. Ramamurthy

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 315.00
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  Nuclear radiation detectors form the backbone of any experimental programme in nuclear physics research. Even in other areas of science and technology where nuclear techniques are used, the radiation detectors play an important role. Very rapid strides are being made in the design and operation of these detectors and detector systems in the various applications. The present monograph while dealing primarily with the general principles of the radiation detectors used in nuclear physics, also covers important developments of the recent years with relevant references to the original literature. After the introductory chapter, the book begins with an account of the basic processes involved in the radiation detection.

The next three chapters enable an in-depth study of the three commonly used detectors gas filled ionization detectors, semiconductor detectors and scintillationdetectors. The neutron detectors are presented in a separate chapter. The electronic instrumentation which forms an integral component of the radiation detectors has also been included in the book. The track detectors have been covered briefly in the lastchapter. The monograph is intended for post-graduate students and those beginning to work with the radiation detectors. References to current literature have been cited with a view to supplement the text and make it useful to research scientists as well.
ISBN - 9780852264966

Pages : 236
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