Adventures of Huckleberry Finn follow the exploits of Tom Sawyer’s closest friend, Huckleberry ‘Huck’ Finn, the son of the town drunk, who is placed under the benign guardianship of Widow Douglas. Although life at the Widow’s house is comfortable, Huck finds her attempts to civilize him infuriating. And when his abusive father turns up to make trouble, Huck decides he’s had enough. He runs away and sets off down the Mississippi River. En route, he meets Jim, the escaped slave of Widow Douglas, and forges an unlikely friendship with him. As they sail down the river together, they encounter a strange cast of characters—thieves, bandits and feuding families. And when he is captured, Huck must enlist the support of his old comrade Tom to rescue his new friend.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not just one of the most brilliant adventure stories ever written, it is also a wonderfully detailed portrait of nineteenth-century America.ISBN - 9788129120922
Pages : 224