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   Cases in Business Marketing

Cases In Business Marketing

by Pramod Paliwal, Ramendra Singh, Sudhir Yadav

  Price : Rs 520.00
  Your Price : Rs 468.00
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  "Cases in Business Marketing aligns with the need of emerging business education. The focus of the cases is on contemporary management thinking and subject-areas that reflect the real business marketing issues. The cases vary in background (such as Natural Gas, Manufacturing, Print Media and ITES) and address a host of emerging issues such as value and its assessment, vendor management, strategic marketing, supplier-buyer relationship, offshoring and cross-functional coordination." 1. ABC Limited: CRM and the Unfiltered Voice of Customers
2. Infosysa® Technologies Ltd.: Growing share of A Customer™s Business
3. Kartik Oil Engines Limited
4. Bucking the Trend
5. The Bharat Times and Its Vendors: Distribution Relationships in the Newspaper Industry
6. Indian OPD Industry”Orbiting its Way to the Core
7. Assessing Market Opportunities for Marine Transportation Fuel
8. Sparkle Edusolutions: Business Marketing by Startup Firms
9. Meher Enterprises
10. Prime Transport Limited: Exploring Long-Term Relationships in Logistics Industry
11. Chaff Cutter Cluster of Samalkha “ Marketing Assistance to Enter Gujarat Market
12. Jaysynth Dyestuff (India) Ltd.
13. Destination Marketing: Insights from Vibrant Gujarat
14. The Morning India: Managing Value in Business Outsourcing Relationship with Akzo-HR
15. Legal Issues in Business-to-Business Buying and Selling: The Case of Methotech
16. Yescon Engineering”Marketing of Manufactured Material and Parts
17. Gujarat Hardware (A)
18. Customers™ value Expectations and Suppliers™ Value Propositions in Developing new services and Relationships: Case Study from Natural Gas Industry ISBN - 9781259026560

Pages : 448
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