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   Atom, Molecule and Spectrum

Atom, Molecule And Spectrum

by H.S.Randhawa , S.K.Dogra

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 715.50
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  Understanding of Chemistry and Molecular Biology requires the knowledge of Chemistry at the atomic or molecular level and understanding of the above subjects at the molecular level requires the basic knowledge of Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy. This book thus covers the topics of quantum chemistry and spectroscopy at the basic level as well as based on the new model of UGC curriculum. These topics are taught at all Indian Universities.

This book has been divided into five chapters, starting with historical background of the development of quantum chemistry, basic principles of quantum mechanics, atomic structure, molecular structure and spectroscopy. Special emphasis has been placed on the concepts here. The approach adopted here is to teach concepts through raising questions and then solving them. To understand these principles, problems have been discussed and solved after every concept, as well as, unsolved problems have also been given at the end of each chapter. The mathematical concepts used are very simple and the physical meaning of every mathematical concept used is explained so that the students understand the important role mathematics plays in the development of the subject. The physical concepts have also been explained by using diagrams.

This book has been written with the intension to help the students understanding of the subject of quantum chemistry which dominates every branch of chemistry. ISBN - 9788122430738

Pages : 636
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