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   A Primer of Quantum Mechanics

A Primer Of Quantum Mechanics

by R.B. Singh

  Price : Rs 799.00
  Your Price : Rs 719.10
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  It begins with the description of phenomena Spectral distribution of energy in radiation, Photo-electric effect, Compton effect, Raman effect and points out the inadequacy of classical concepts. These phenomena are then explained with the help of quantum concepts.
Chapter-2 describes how our notion about microscoptic particles requires drastic change. de Broglie hypothesis, Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the concept of wave-particle duality are introduced here.
Chapter-3 introduces Schrodinger equation, eigen value equation, operators and their properties (commutation relations). A brief description of the development of quantum mechanics through postulates and Dirac `bra` and `ket` notation are given.
Seeing the importance of eigen values and eigen functions of operators L^2and L^z, a separate chapter is devoted to determine the solution of eigen value equations of these operators.
Chapter 5-9 elucidate the applications of Schrodinger equation to potential barrier problems, particle trapped in a box, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotator and hydrogen atom. ISBN - 9788122418903

Pages : 188
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