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   Opto Electronics and Fibre Optics Communication

Opto Electronics And Fibre Optics Communication

by C K Sarkar , D C Sarkar

  Price : Rs 275.00
  Your Price : Rs 247.50
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  This book presents an extensive exposition of the various principles of fibre optic communication. A systematic approach is followed throughout the book. The various concepts and techniques are explained in simple and easy to understand manner. Measurement techniques and sensors have been highlighted. The revised version of the book contains an extra chapter describing the modern aspect of fibre communication such as the different modulation techniques and Electro-optic effect. The other equally important topics of the book are such as OEIC, Solar Cells, Power Launching in the fibre etc. Problems have been provided at the end of each chapter for practice and self test.

The book would serve as a comprehensive text for B.E. and M.E. students of Electronics and Communication Engineering as well as M.Sc. in Physics and Electronics. Science students, AMIE candidates and practicing engineers would also find it extremely useful. ISBN - 9788122434576

Pages : 346
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