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   Discrete Structures of Computer Science

Discrete Structures Of Computer Science

by L.S.Levy

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 157.50
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  Each chapter of the book deals with mathematical modelling through one or more specified techniques. These include mathematical modelling through algebra, geometry, calculus, ordinary and partial differential equations, integral equations etc.

Each chapter contains mathematical models from physical, biological, social, management sciences and engineering and technology and illustrate unit in diversity of mathematical sciences.

The book contains plenty of exercises in mathematical modelling and is aimed to give a panoramic view of applications of modelling in all fields of knowledge.

The book presumes only the knowledge of undergraduate mathematics and can be used as a textbook at senior undergraduate or post-graduate level for a one or two semester course for students of mathematics, statistics, physical, social and biological sciences and engineering. It can also be useful for all users of mathematics and for all mathematical modellers.Stochastic Processes in Demography and Applications Suddhendu Biswas Department of Mathematical Statistics University of Delhi.

The book attempts to fulfill a long felt gap in the Research and pedagogy of Mathematical Demography and other related topics as Survival Analysis by focussing intensively on a wide range of traditional as well as new inputs using a modern Stochastic Process and Renewal theory oriented approach. Special topics as Martingales theory. Cox`s regression model. Parametric and nonparametric techniques in survival theory together with a full chapter on the adjustment techniques for the deficiencies of vital statistics in India have been appended for the first time in a book of this kind. The book is useful to postgraduate students taking one or two semester course with Mathematical Demography or Applied Stochastic Processes with orientation in Population Studies, Biostatistics or Biometry. ISBN - 9788122400908

Pages : 320
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