The present book is specifically written for easy grasping of Psychiatry in a clear cut, point-wise, simple and easily understandable language and is exclusively based on the examination-oriented pattern. Some of the important chapters on Indian Psychiatry (Contributions of Indian Psychiatrists), Epidemiology of Various Disorders, National Mental Health Programme of India, Forensic Psychiatry, Indian Culture Bound Syndromes etc. are detailed so that the students get a better view of the subject. To make understand the general principles of Psychiatry, a section with special emphasis on the historical aspects (Indian/Western), Symptomatology and Psychiatric Examination and an updated section on Psychiatric Treatments including newer advances have been included.
An important list of appendices includes Psychiatric Glossary, list of Psychological Tests etc. The content and matter have been reviewed and edited by M.S. Bhatia (MD, Dip. WPA), an experienced teacher and examiner, associated with editing of many popular books. ISBN - 9788122422467
Pages : 404