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  Ecologically Based Integrated Pest Management

Ecologically Based Integrated Pest Management

by U Shankar D P Abrol

  Price : Rs 3150.00
  Your Price : Rs 3150.00
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  The availability of modern tools and transgenic crop protectiontechnology has opened new vistas in the vast field of pestmanagement. All these issues form the focus of the book, where theyhave been discussed by eminent scientists who are authority intheir respective fields. The book describes the science and art ofintegrated pest management. It contains 48 chapters grouped intosix sections which include topics ranging from:

Basic concepts

Impact on food security

Biorational strategies

Breeding for resistance

IPM in crops, fruits, vegetables

Future strategies and policy issues

IPR related issues

It also gives detailed information on emerging strategies andproblems such as the role of biotechnology and the implications ofIPR issues. The roles of IPM in sustaining food productivity,contribution of IPM in meeting economic, environmental and socialcosts have been elaborated. The role of diagnostic tools, weatherforecasting, transgenic plants, biological control, and newchemicals in future IPM programmes and strategies to meet thechallenges of pest adaptation have been highlighted. The need forimproved information transfer, implementation and application ofIPM has been discussed. Finally, it is essential to know the statusof IPM, its future, challenges and constraints which have beenextensively elaborated in the last chapter of this book. The bookintends to fill the gap by providing the critical analysis ofdifferent management strategies having bearing on agriculturesustainability and environmental protection. The compilation ofthis book is unique in the sense that it does not deal with theconventional way of discussing pest management with respect toparticular crops or the regions. It emphasizes on the other hand anoverview of the management strategies with critical evaluation ofeach in the larger context of ecologically based pestmanagement.ISBN - 9789380235950

Pages : 1014
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