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  International Trade & Financial Environment

International Trade & Financial Environment

by M. K. Bhat

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  About the Book :- The new dimensions of International trade have become an area of interest for one and all in recent times. Although much literature is available on international trade yet the dearth of books dealing with the impact of international trade policies on India is being deeply felt by the students at various levels. This book contains a comprehensive treatment of the theoretical and practical aspects of international trade applied to both developed and developing economies with a special reference to India. It tries to reason out the causes for adverseness in international trade and tries to come out with solution where ever required. An utmost attempt has been done to make the subject easy and understandable to students. The book has been divided into two parts; part one deal with international trade concepts and part two deals with international & domestic financial institution and their strategies. Contents :- Part I : International Trade 1. Introduction 2. Theory of International Trade 3. Changes and Challenges in the International Trade Order 4. International Trade and Economic Integration of Developing Countries 5. Tariff and Other Barriers to Trade 6. Balance of Payments 7. Exchange Rate Determination 8. Export-Import Policy 2002-07 9. Export Finance 10. Distribution Logistics for Exports 11. Indias Foreign Trade Management Organisations 12. State Trading, Part II : International and Domestic Financial Environment 13. Evolution of International Monetary System 14. Capital Market in India 15. Industrial Financial Institutions in India 16. Multinational Companies and International Business 17. International Finance Strategies 18. Euro Currencies 19. World Trade Organisation 20. International Monetary Fund (IMF) 21. World Bank 22. Global Trading Strategies. About the Author :- M.K. Bhat , has got his Ph.D degree in economics. He is currently working as principal in New Delhi Institute of Management, Tughlakabad, New Delhi. He has 18 years of teaching experience and is regular contributor on International Trade. He has presented various research papers in national and international conferences conducted by Central/State Universities, IIMS and other reputed institutions. His articles/research papers have been published in journals/periodicals of national and international repute. ISBN - 9788180522123

Pages : 384
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