This textbook is meant to fulfill the requirements of the B.Sc. (Pass/Hons.) students according to currently revised UGC syllabus and curriculum of different universities. The book would also serve as a comprehensive text for B.E./Diploma students of various technical institutes and technical universities. In 18 Chapters and 5 Appendices, the book deals with semiconductors, semiconductor devices, tubes, transistors, oscillators, amplifiers, bipolar junction transistors, feedback amplifiers, logic gate circuits, computers, etc.
Basic principles and applications are discussed herein with explanatory and well illustrated diagrams. The book also includes several typical solved problems. Review questions and problems have been included for better understanding of the subject. Multiple choice type questions, short question answers, true/false and fill up the blank type questions have been included to make the book more useful to all those preparing for various entrance examinations. ISBN - 9788122423709
Pages : 540