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  India Infrastructure Data Base 2005 ( 2 Vols.)

India Infrastructure Data Base 2005 ( 2 Vols.)

by Budhhdeb Ghosh, Prabir De

  Price : Rs 4995.00
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  India Infrastructure Data Base 2005 ( 2 Vols.)

Contents: Vol. I: Foreword. Preface. 1. World economy: country-wise economic indicators 1990 to 2001. 2. Indian economy. 3. Population. 4. Farm infrastructure.

Vol. II: 5. Railways. 6. Roads and road transportation. 7. Ports, shipping and inland waterways. 8. Civil aviation. 9. Energy. 10. Electricity. 11. Post and telecommunication. 12. Health. 13. Education. 14. Banks and stock exchanges. 15. Housing. 16. Research and development.

This database is concerned primarily with all possible infrastructure facilities across the countries of the world as well as Indian states over a long period of time. It also includes all possible usual economic variables for India as a whole and Indian state. In particular, it contains 16 chapters in two volumes, country wise development indicators, Indian economic variables (domestic, foreign trade sector and costs and prices), population, farm infrastructure, railways, roads and road transportation, ports, shipping and inland waterways, civil aviation, energy, electricity, post and telecommunication, health, education, banks and stock exchanges, housing and research and development. It contains within the above chapters relevant information on land, water, river, forest, quality of population, poverty, inequality, gender, mineral resources, climate, rainfall, quality of soil, adversity of nature and the like across the states over time.

This database is a basic source of reference for all those having interest in Indian economy, infrastructure, industry, agriculture, service sector and trade. They may include domestic and foreign investors, policy makers, business houses, researchers, teachers, scholars, students and general readers. Furthermore, this infrastructure database will be of substantial help for economists, other social scientists, policy-makers and politicians-all those who are becoming aware of the necessity of approaching the problem of economic development from the view point of local parameters. ISBN - 8185040826 , 9788185040820

Pages : 1556
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