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  Communication Skills: Customized as per the BE syllabus requirements of Gujarat Technological University by Chetan Trivedi

Communication Skills: Customized As Per The Be Syllabus Requirements Of Gujarat Technological University By Chetan Trivedi

by Sunita Mishra Stephen P. Robbins Andrea J. Rutherfoord Edgar Thorpe D. J. Henry Kathleen T. Mcwhorter William J. Kelly Richard J. Sheehan

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 164.00
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  Communication Skills has been customized keeping in mind the specific requirements of the BE Programme at Gujarat Technological University. Compiled using bestselling textbooks to map exactly to the syllabus, this book provides students with all they need to succeed in the exam. The basic approach adopted in this text is that effective communication involves matching the right attitude to the appropriate skills. It will help students and professionals coming from different fields to understand the finer nuances of communication skills and to realize their communication potential.
Salient Features

Reading passages to reflect current communication needs and practices
Writing topics that reflect current trends in writing, including the use of e-mail, desktop publishing, and the Internet
Exercises and models using common technical vocabulary and concepts
Designed to help readers gain a working knowledge of all the major skills for career-related communication, including e-mail, graphics, reports, business correspondence, presentations, job interviews, and resumes
Adapted especially for future engineers, who require a specific kind of technical communication skill for technical reports, technical proposals and discussions

ISBN - 9788131768341

Pages : 264
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