Vegetables are important source of dietary fibers, minerals,antioxidants and vitamins. Shifting from a non-vegetarian diet tovegetarian, global recognition of the importance of vegetables forhuman health and their medicinal and nutritional value havecontributed to a steady upward trend in vegetable productionsystem. China is ranked first in the world and currently producesaround 237 million tons of vegetable. The total vegetableproduction of India during the year 2009-10 was approximately 90million tons. Pesticides are valuable tools in sustainablevegetable production, but unfortunately they are often being usedirresponsibly, causing hazards to producers, consumers and theenvironment. In addition, they can exacerbate pests and diseasesproblems by inducing resistance and suppressing the natural enemieswhich exert natural biological control. This book aims to promotingan integration of appropriate chemical, cultural, physical, geneticand biological technologies into Integrated Pest Management (IPM)strategies for vegetable crop protection.ISBN - 9789381450499
Pages : 130