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  Ancient Bronzes: History, Metallurgy, Corrosion and Conservation

Ancient Bronzes: History, Metallurgy, Corrosion And Conservation

by Shyan Naraian, Uma Shankar Lal

  Price : Rs 1750.00
  Your Price : Rs 1365.00
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  It is primarily intended for use to metal conservators, engineers, conservation scientist, metal sculptors, and students striving to acquire some back ground and perspective on this subject. Conservation especially remedial conservation of the ancient bronzes is one of the major challenges of our time for metal conservators. With the advancement of science and technology several new materials have come out time to time. However a random survey indicates that there is hardly a book, which covers from history of bronzes to philosophy and conservation of ancient bronzes including techniques of casting, deterioration, metallography, characterization and identification of elements and compounds of ancient bronzes for understanding the type and level of decay of metals.

This book is expected to be useful not only for the university students, technologists, practicing conservators, metal sculptors, artists and metallurgists but also for all those who are entrusted with responsibilities for conserving the ancient bronzes.

The book gives a detailed development of bronzes in global perspective, metallurgical identities, characterization and identification of elements and compounds, types and factors of corrosion including corrosion mechanism and corrosion products and their colouration. The last section of this book gives the remedial conservation including preventive measures.ISBN - 9788173201226

Pages : 206
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