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  Legal Aspects of Marketing in India

Legal Aspects Of Marketing In India

by Vinod V. Sople

  Price : Rs 110.00
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  The book covers Indian laws, which influence the marketing decision-making process in the business organizations. The provisions of the laws are explained and supported by the court judgments in the form of cases at the end of each chapter, keeping in view the requirements of DBM, PGDBA, MMS and MBA students specializing in marketing management. This book is designed to prepare the students of marketing to understand the legal implications of their day-to-day or strategic decisions in product or service marketing. He need not be a legal expert, but he should have enough knowledge about the laws of the land to avoid two things, one falling into the legal trap and two to face the consequences like imprisonment, penalty or defamation for himself and for the organization he is representing.

The book starts with chapters on basics of law, various Indian Acts influencing marketing and consumer rights. The major Acts like Consumer Protection Act, Competition Acts, Sales of Goods Act, Hire Purchase Act, Contract Act and Negotiable Instruments Act are covered in details. A chapter on Intellectual Property Rights (i.e. patents, copyrights, trademarks, designs and geographical indications) covers various Indian Acts for protecting these rights in light of TRIPS provisions enforced through WTO (World Trade Organization) in the member countries. Separate chapters are devoted to each of the 4Ps of marketing (i.e. product, price, promotion and place) to cover the provisions of various Acts to curb the prevailing unfair and restrictive trade practices in marketing of goods and services. The book covers the e-Marketing legislation to curb the fraudulent practices in cyberspace. The book ends with a discussion on `marketing abuses with some ethical question marks` in the last chapter.

In nutshell the text presents a comprehensive treatment of legal provisions in various Indian Acts and its implications in marketing decision-making process. The book provides guidelines for marketers, to formulate and implement marketing strategies within the legal boundaries of the law of the land.

This book is designed for both marketing practitioners and the students studying marketing management at graduate or postgraduate level courses of DBM, PGDBA, MMS, and MBA, conducted in various business schools and universities in India. ISBN - 9788122415261

Pages : 254
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