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  Malayali Diaspora: From Kerala to the Ends of the World

Malayali Diaspora: From Kerala To The Ends Of The World

by Sam George & T.V. Thomas

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 750.00
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  A fascinating saga of immigrants from the Indian state of Keralawho have pitched their tents in the uttermost parts of the world.The sun never sets on the Malayali diaspora.

Malayalis are everywhere! Malayalam can be heard on the streetsof Abu Dhabi, Frankfurt, Houston, Singapore and Nairobi. Onam iscelebrated in many lands and Malayalam liturgies are chanted everySunday in churches in every continent. Families keep track of manytime zones where their relatives are dispersed. Malayalamnewspapers, movies and television serials are part of the dailydiet for overseas Malayalis. Fish and spices are exported fromKerala to stores in Johannesburg, London, New York and Sydney.Currencies like Dollar, Dirham, Dinar, Euro, Pound, Rand, Riyal andYen flow into numerous banks in Kerala. Telephone and internet havecompressed the distance between lands of origin and settlement.With more flights and reduced cost of travel, it is easy to reachKerala from all major cities of the world. Entertainers, Cinestars, politicians and religious leaders of Kerala make frequentvisits to their dispersed fans and followers. The overseasMalayalis have linked Kerala to the world and vice versa. TheMalayali diaspora is playing a strategic role in the country oforigin in matters of policy, entrepreneurship and charitableservices with their knowledge, skill and wealth. All this createsan intensified universal consciousness that is knit together andheld in place by a shared cultural space of the global Malayalidiaspora. This book captures the fascinating saga of people from"Gods own country" who have pitched their tents in furthest cornersof the globe. It presents triumphs and challenges facing thisscattered community and illuminates the adventurous character,survival mentality and the indomitable spirit of Malayalis.ISBN - 9788183875820

Pages : 227
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