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  The Pearson Guide to the CWE Clerical Cadre ,2e

The Pearson Guide To The Cwe Clerical Cadre ,2E

by Edgar Thorpe, Showick Thorpe

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 287.00
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The Pearson Guide to the CWE—Clerical Cadre, as the name suggests, is aligned as per the latest guidelines and the patterns used by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. To succeed in this exam it is imperative that a candidate be proficient in numerical ability, reasoning ability, general knowledge (with special emphasis on the banking sector), English language, and computer knowledge. This book covers all of these topics thoroughly through concepts, explanations, and multiple-choice questions, and also includes comprehensive preparation guidelines. The content is at an advanced level, ranging from moderate to difficult, preparing students to give their best.
ISBN - 9788131787540

Pages : 264
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