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   Comprehensive Guide to BITSAT Online Test with 5 Mock Test CD 5th Edition

Comprehensive Guide To Bitsat Online Test With 5 Mock Test Cd 5Th Edition

by Disha Experts

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  The book `Comprehensive Guide to BITSAT 2014 with Mock Test CD (with InstaReports and Sync Facility) 5th edition` has been written exclusively to help students crack BITSAT.
This is the only book which covers the 100% syllabus in Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning as provided in the latest BITSAT broucher.
The book has been prepared in such a manner that a student can easily complete the book even in a month`s time.
Each chapter contains Key Concepts, Solved Examples and Exercises in 2 levels with detailed solutions.
The book has been empowered with a MOCK TEST CD, designed as per BITSAT exam pattern, containing 5 Mock Tests so as to expose the students with the online atmosphere.
The English section in the book covers Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension and Composition.
The Logical Reasoning section in the book covers both verbal and non-verbal reasoning divided into the 10 topics as provided in the BITSAT syllabus. The book covers each and every topic in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning. A real cracker, this book is a must for every BITSAT aspirant.

Dishas Mock BITSAT CD with Insta Reports and Sync Facility

The only genuine CD of BITSAT Mock Tests that comes FREE with a BITSAT book.
Each Mock Tests consists of 150 Main questions 40 in Physics, 40 in Chemistry, 45 in Maths, 15 in English, 10 in Logical Reasoning - to be attempted in 180 minutes.
The CD Covers 12 Additional Questions (4 each in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics) in every test as asked in BITSAT. If a student attempts all the 150 questions within the allotted 180 minutes he can move to the Bonus section of 12 Additional Questions.
The CD provides InstaReports - Test Result, Detailed Solutions to each Question.
The CD provides Unit-wise Feedback in each subject.
You can appear in all the tests in the OFFLINE mode but the CD gives you the feeling of the real online test.
Provides Sync Facility - Connect to the net and compare your scores of a test with rest of the students who have already appeared in the test just on the click of a mouse.So if you press Sync again after some days then you get comparison among students who have taken it till that time.
Compare scores of the different tests you have appeared in.
See detailed solutions any time you want.Table of Contents

Bitsat Section-I : Physics

1. Vector
2. Units and Measurements
3. Motion in a Straight Line
4. Motion in a Plane
5. Laws of Motion
6. Work, Energy and Power
7. System of Particles and Rotational Motion
8. Gravitation
9. Mechanical Properties of Solids and Fluids
10. Thermal Properties of Matter
11. Thermodynamics
12. Kinetic Theory
13. Oscillations
14. Waves
15. Electrostatics
16. Current Electricity
17. Magnetic Field and Magnetism
18. Electromagnetic Induction
19. Alternating Current
20. Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
21. Wave Optics
22. Modern Physics

Section-II: Chemistry
1. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
2. States Of Matter - Solid, Liquid and Gas
3. Solution and Colloids
4. Chemical Kinetics and Surface Chemistry
5. Equilibrium
6. Thermodynamics
7. Electrochemistry and Redox Reaction
8. Atomic Structure
9. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
10. Periodic Table and Periodic Properties
11. Hydrogen & S-Block Elements
12. P - Block Elements and Their Compounds
13. D and F - Block Elements
14. Co-ordination Compounds
15. Analytical Chemistry (Inorganic)
16. Nomenclature & Isomerism in Organic Compounds
17. Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds
18. Hydrocarbons & Aromatic Compounds
19. Alkyl, Aryl Halides & Ethers
20. Alcohols, Phenols and Carbonyl Compounds
21. Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives
22. Amines
23. Biomolecules, Polymers and Chemistry in Action
24. Pollution
25. Practical Chemistry

Section-III: Mathematics
1. Sets, Relations and Functions
2. Trigonometric Functions and Height & Distance
3. Quadratic Equations and Inequalities
4. Complex Numbers
5. Permutations and Combinations
6. Binomial Theorem, Logarithms and Mathematical Induction
7. Sequence & Series
8. Straight Lines
9. Conic Sections
10. Three Dimensional Geometry
11. Limits and Derivatives
12. Probability
13. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
14. Matrices and Determinants
15. Continuity and Differentiability
16. Applications of Derivatives
17. Indefinite Integral
18. Definite Integral
19. Application of Integrals
20. Vector Algebra
21. Linear Programming
22. Statistics

Section-IV: English Proficiency & Logical Reasoning

Unit - 1: English Proficiency
1. Vocabulary
2. Grammar
3. Reading Comprehension
4. Composition

Unit - 2: Logical Reasoning
5. Analogy
6. Classification or Odd Man Out
7. Series
8. Logical Deduction
9. Chart Logic
10. Pattern Perception or Completion of Figures
11. Figure Formation & Analysis
12. Paper Cutting
13. Figure Matrix
14. Rule Detection
Mock Test 1 to 5 with Solutions (In CD)
ISBN - 9789383379743

Pages : 924
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