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   IBPS-CWE Bank Clerk 101 Speed Tests : Improves Your Speed Strike Rate Score 1st Edition

Ibps-Cwe Bank Clerk 101 Speed Tests : Improves Your Speed Strike Rate Score 1St Edition

by Disha Experts

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  IBPS CWE Bank Clerk 101 Speed Tests
This is the 1st and the Most Innovative Book for the most sought after IBPS Bank Clerk Exam. It contains all the Important Concepts which are required to crack this exam. The concepts are covered in the form of 101 Speed Tests. It is to be noted here that these are not mere tests but act as a checklist of students learning and ability to apply concepts to different problems. The book is based on the concept of TRP Test, Revise and Practice. It aims at improving your SPEED followed by Assessment Strike Rate which will eventually lead to improving your Score. Each test is based on small topics which are most important for the IBPS PO exam. Each test contains around 25-30 MCQs on the latest pattern of the exam. The whole syllabus has been divided into 5 sections which are further distributed into 91 topics. Each section ends with a Section Test.Quantitative Aptitude is distributed into 31 topics + 1 Section TestReasoning Ability is distributed into 30 topics + 1 Section TestEnglish is distributed into 14 topics + 1 Section TestComputer Knowledge is distributed into 6 topics + 1 Section TestGeneral Knowledge is distributed into 15 topics + 1 Section TestFinally at the end 5 Practice Sets based on the complete syllabus is provided so as to give the candidates the real feel of the final exam. In all, the book contains 3600+ Highly Relevant MCQs in the form of 101 tests. Solutions to each of the 101 tests are provided at the end of the book. The book provides Separate Tests Table of Contents

Section 1 - Reasoning - Topical and Sectional Tests
1. Analogy
2. Classification
3. Series
4. Alphabet Test
5. Coding-Decoding
6. Blood Relation
7. Direction and Distance
8. Time, Sequence and Ranking Test
9. Sitting Arrangement
10. Analytical Puzzle Test - 1
11. Analytical Puzzle Test - 2
12. Venn Diagrams
13. Syllogism - 1
14. Syllogism - 2
15. Symbols and Codes
16. Alpha-numeric Sequence Puzzle
17. Input-Output
18. Mathematical Operations
19. Clock and Calender
20. Data Sufficiency
21. Statement and Conclusions (Mathematical)
22. Statement and Conclusions (Logical)
23. Passage Based Conclusion - 1
24. Passage Based Conclusion - 2
25. Cube and Dice
26. Non-verbal Reasoning - 1
27. Non-verbal Reasoning - 2
28. Section Test: Reasoning

Section 2 - Numerical Ability - Topical and Sectional Tests
29. Number System - 1
30. Number System - 2
31. LCM, HCF and Fraction
32. Square, Cube, Indices and Surds
33. Average
34. Percentage
35. Ratio and Proportion
36. Alligation and Mixture
37. Profit, Loss and Discount - 1
38. Profit, Loss and Discount - 2
39. Simple Interest
40. Compound Interest
41. Distance, Speed and Time
42. Time and Work/Pipe and Cistern
43. Problem Based on Linear Equation
44. Probability
45. Permutation and Combination
46. Area and Perimeter
47. Volume and Surface Area
48. Geometry
49. Number Series - 1
50. Number Series - 2
51. Data Interpretation
52. Section Test: Numerical Ability

Section 3 - English - Topical and Sectional Tests
53. Reading Comprehension - 1
54. Reading Comprehension - 2
55. Reading Comprehension - 3
56. Synonyms
57. Antonyms
58. Sentence Completion (Vocabulary)
59. Sentence Completion (Grammar)
60. Similar Substitution
61. Correct Usage of Propositions
62. Sentence Improvement - 1
63. Sentence Improvement - 2
64. Spotting the Errors - 1
65. Spotting the Errors - 2
66. Spelling Test
67. One Word Substitution
68. Para Jumbels
69. Cloze Test - 1
70. Cloze Test - 2
71. Section Test: English

Section 4 - Computer Knowledge - Topical and Sectional Tests
72. Fundamental
ISBN - 9789383379699

Pages : 416
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