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  Object-Oriented Programming and Java, 2nd edition

Object-Oriented Programming And Java, 2Nd Edition

by Danny Poo, Derek Kiong, Swarnalatha Ashok

  Price : Rs 590.00
  Your Price : Rs 531.00
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  Object-Oriented Programming and Java presents two important topics in contemporary software development: object-oriented programming and Java. This book takes a different teaching approach from most available literature, it begins with the description of real-world object interaction scenarios and explains how they can be translated, represented and executed using object-oriented programming paradigm.

Principally, Java is an object-oriented programming language. By establishing a solid foundation in the understanding of object-oriented programming concepts and their applications, the book provides readers with the pre-requisites for writing proper object-oriented programs using Java.

Object-Oriented Programming and Java covers the latest in Java technologies and is suitable for undergraduate or postgraduate courses on object-oriented technology, particularly those using Java as a programming language for creating object-oriented programs. The book will also give individual professional developers a head-start in learning the language.

This special low-priced edition is for sale in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan and Sri Lanka only.

Table of Contents

Object, Class, Message and Method
A Quick Tour of Java
Implementation in Java
Classification, Generalization, and Specialization
Exception Handling
Input and Output Operations
Networking and Multithreading
Generics and Collections Framework
Graphical Interfaces and Windows
Applets and Loaders
Java Servlets
Object Serialization and Remote Method Invocation
Java Database Connectivity
IndexISBN - 9788184892352

Pages : 344
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