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  Science of Agronomy

Science Of Agronomy

by U.S. Walia , D Singh , S S Walia , D S Kler,

  Price : Rs 395.00
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  Agriculture is the largest enterprise in India which has been and will continue to be the lifeline of the Indian economy in the foreseeable future. However due to urbanization, agricultural land is shrinking and human population is increasing year by year. So, there is a need for vertical increase in agricultural produce to feed the increasing population. Due to changing climatic conditions, there is a need for reorientation of presently practiced agricultural technologies. At the same time there is a need to save/conserve the natural resources. Crop yields can be improved with the adoption of improved production and protection technologies for raising field crops. In order to increase profit in agriculture, the farm inputs like fertilizers, irrigation water, pesticides etc. must be used judiciously and more stress should be laid on conservation agriculture.
The book covers basic but very comprehensive information on history of agriculture and role of Agronomy, tillage practices, nutrient elements for plant growth, weeds and their management, irrigation management, crop physiology, crop ecology, integrated farming system and organic farming. A detailed information on history and origin, improved varieties, agronomic practices and plant protection techniques for important field crops viz. cereals, oilseeds, pulses, sugar crops and fibre crops has been given. Also information on cultivation practices for important medicinal, aromatic, spice crops as well as plantation crops along with their uses/medicinal values has been provided. This book will be very helpful for B.Sc. Agriculture students throughout the country as it covers nearby the entire syllabus for Agronomy courses framed by ICAR as suggested by 4 th Dean’s Committee. ISBN - 9788172337469

Pages : 605
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