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   Olympiad Champs Mathematics Class 5 : 18 Mock Olympiad CD with Insta Reports 1st Edition

Olympiad Champs Mathematics Class 5 : 18 Mock Olympiad Cd With Insta Reports 1St Edition

by Disha Experts

  Price : Rs 220.00
  Your Price : Rs 187.00
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Olympiad Champs Mathematics Class 5 with 18 Mock Olympiad Tests CD is the first of its kind book on Olympiad in many ways. The book is aimed at achieving not only success but deep rooted learning in children. The book is prepared on the content based on National Curriculum Framework prescribed by NCERT. All the text books, syllabus and teaching practices within the education programme in India must follow NCF. Hence, Olympiad Champs become an ideal book not only for the Olympiad Exams but also for strengthening the concepts. There is an exhaustive range of thought provoking questions in MCQ format to test the students knowledge thoroughly. The questions are designed so as to test the knowledge, comprehension, evaluation, analytical and application skills. Solutions and explanations are provided for all questions. The questions are divided into two levels, Challenge A and Challenge B. The first level Challenge A is the beginners level which comprises of questions like fillers, analogy and odd one out. When the child covers level A, it means his basic knowledge about the subject is clear and now it is ready for challenge B. The second level is the advanced level. Challenge B comprises of techniques like matching, chronological sequencing, picture, passage and feature based, statement correct/incorrect, integer based, puzzle, grid based, crossword, Venn diagram, table/chart based and much more. The first concern which each parent faces is how to make their children read a book especially when it is based on academics. Keeping this in mind interesting facts, real life examples, historical preview and short cut to problem solving, charts, diagrams, illustrations and poems are added. In addition to this the book contains comic strip which increases the readability quotient and make the reading experience for the children more exciting. The book also includes a CD containing 6 Mock Olympiad Tests designed on the pattern of prominent national Olympiad exams conducted in the various schools in India. With the vision to remove all the misconception a child may have pertaining to the subject, relate his knowledge to the real world and to develop a deeper understanding of the subject this book will cater all the requirements of the students who are going to appear in Olympiads. Table of Contents

1. Roman Numerals

2. Number System

3. Operations on Numbers

4. Factors and Multiples

5. Bodmas Application

6. Decimals

7. Ratio

8. Fractions and Operation on Fractions

9. Measurement - Temperature

10. Area and Perimeter

11. Geometry

12. Data Handling
ISBN - 9789383379118

Pages : 216
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