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  Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction

Soil Dynamics In Tillage And Traction

by William R. Gill, Glen E. Vanden Berg

  Price : Rs 2250.00
  Your Price : Rs 2250.00
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This handbook of ideas and concepts rather than methods or procedures. The ideas stem from an attempt to weld a comprehensive organization of isolated bits of information into a coherent body of knowledge that is designated soil dynamics. An attempt has been made to be analytical as well as descriptive so that the significance of data in the literature can be established. Mathematical treatment has been also been developed in quantitative terms to express specific soil machine relations on the assumpion that these relations must obey fundamental laws. The feasibility of combining behavior equations into a simple soil machine mechanics is demonstrated. The procedure by which complete mechanics can be develops is described. Such a mechanics is capable of describing and predicting the action of machines in terms of performance.

The handbook attempted to develop soil dynamics in depth, scope, and extent so that it defines and delineates an area of knowledge that will be a new discipline. Research goals have been suffested which should provide the information requried to solve most problems in soil dynamics. The book is useful for Agricultural Chemistry, Soil science and Agricultural subjects of PG and Researcher.
ISBN - 9788172338039

Pages : 511
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