"The study of International Relations has gained greater importance during the twentieth century, over 185 countries are in a position to interact with each other because distances have been reduced between them by revolution in travel and communication technology. But, Nation-State are still there and they assert their sovereign rights. Intensity of conflicts have increased even as areas of cooperation have multiplied and non-state actors play important roles in International Relations. The tow World Wars, problems faced by Peace-Markers, System of Alliances, search for Security, threat posed by Fascism and Nazism, Arms Race, problem of Disarmament, Cold War between East and West, conflict between Communism and Capitalism and the emergence of Non-Alignment are essential components of this book. " 1. The World in 1914 2. The Peace of Paris 3. The League of Nations Structure & Functions 4. The Search for Security 5. Reparation Debits and Economics Crisis 6. The Russian Revolution 7. Fascism in Italy 8. The Far East 9. Rise of Nazi Germany: The Third Reich 10. Nazi Dictatorship in Action 11. Appeasement and Prelude of the War 12. The Second World War 13. The League of Nations- A Peace Marker 14. War – Time Conferences 15. Foreign Policy of the United States of America 16. Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union 17. The Cold War 18. Communism in China and the War in Korea 19. Decolonization: Emergence of the Third World 20. Evolution of the Cold War 21. Detente and the End of Cold War 22. Non-Alignment 23. The United Nations and Regional Organisations ISBN - 9788125916161