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  Globalisation, Decentralisation, Institutions and Development

Globalisation, Decentralisation, Institutions And Development

by K M Naidu Et Al.

  Price : Rs 350.00
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The recent theme is globalisationand development. In the countries following democracies, decentralisation is also strategically adopted ascentralised planning has failed to reach the targets of development. Moreover, liberlaisation, privatisation and marketisation policies have been alternatively used by developing countires, seeing the success of development and grwoth of developed world. The world have become a village in terms of globalisation approach to development. These new techniques apart, the role of institutions in the development of a country is not sufficiently recognised which the book emphasizes. Democracy promotes decentralisation as well creates institutions which should be used positively to achieve rapid growth of the economy. The pitfalls of globalisation and it failures, besides the appropriate methods of decentralisation involving people`s participation ot achieve maximum growth was effectively analysed so as to help policy implementers to take right action to make India a highly developed country within ten years. In this process the purity of institutions meant for development, particularly Panchayat Raj Institutions, planning boards in States, Development agencies etc have been highlighted in the book to see that India achieves its maximum potential overcoming, discontents of development. The main theme of the book is achieving maximum growth; Gobalisation, decentralisation and institutions have to be efficinetly and effectively utilised to reach this goal. India has potential, but not able to use it as it is not moving along positive development path. Hence the emphasis is on decentralisation and institutions in the context of globalisation for reaching the goal of highly developed India within the shortest possible time involving people in the development process.ISBN - 8186771344 , 9788186771341

Pages : 125
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