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  Introd. to Automata Theory & Formal Lang.

Introd. To Automata Theory & Formal Lang.

by Adesh K. Pandey

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 265.50
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  An Introduction to Automata Theory & Formal Languages is a reference book on computer science written by Adesh K. Pandey. This book presents detailed information on automata theory and formal languages. The book begins with a basic introduction to the concept and lays down the foundation of the other chapters. After presenting a brief introduction, the author moves on to discuss the finite automata and automata with output. The book further covers the topic of regular expression and languages and properties of regular languages. It also covers various other relevant topics such as properties of regular languages, context-free grammar and languages, and simplified context-free grammar and IT’s normal form. The readers will also get to know about the pushdown automata and the properties of context-free languages. Later on, the book explores certain other crucial issues related to automata such as Turing machine, recursive function theory, the Chomsky hierarchy, and the lexical and syntax analysis. Besides this, the author also provides introduction intractable problems, derivation languages, and cellular automata. The last section of the book contains an appendix and index to further help the readers understand the subject. ISBN 9788189757144

Pages : 350
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