This ART step by step book of Dr Malhotra series is written with the aim to simplify this difficult topic. A well compiled step by step approach to ART. Clinicians, students, postgraduate ART specialists all will benefit in learning and revising the science and art of ART. 1. Overview of ART, 2. InfertilityScope of Problem, 3. Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology of a Couple, 4. Natural Menstrual Cycle, 5. Male InfertilityCauses and Investigations, 6. Female InfertilityCauses and Investigations, 7. The Infertility Clinic and IVF Lab Set Up, IVF-Lab Facility Set Up, Quality Control, Culture Media, Semen Evaluation and Preparation Facility, Embryology and Cellular Facility, 8. Ovarian Stimulation, Basic Understanding, Conventional Protocol, Softer Protocol, Problem Cases, 9. Transvaginal Sonography in Infertility, 10. Ovulation Monitoring, 11. Intrauterine Insemination, 12. Procedures, Ovum Pick Up, Semen Preparation, IVF/ICSI/TESA, Insemination, Fertilization, Oocyte Preparation for ICSI, Embryo Transfer, 13. IVFProtocol General, 14. Gynecological Complications of ART, OHSS, Operative Complications, Miscarriages, Ectopic Pregnancy, Psychological, 15. Obstetric Complications, High Order Multiple Pregnancy, Aged Pregnancy, Increased Anomaly Risk, Low Birth Weight/Prematurity, Altered Sex Ratio, Operative Delivery, 16. Cryobiology of ART, Freezing of GametesOva and Sperm, Embryo, TissuesOvaries and Testes, Vitrification, 17. Technological AdvancesFuture Frontiers, Oocyte Cryopreservation, Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Autografting, IVM, IMSI, Spindle View, Assisted Hatching, PGD, 18. Ethics and Law, 19. Counseling in Infertility, 20. NARI (National ART Registry of India), 21. Regulation and Laws in ART. ISBN 9788184486780