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  Engineering Mathematics For First year BE/B.Tech. Students (Volume - 1)

Engineering Mathematics For First Year Be/B.Tech. Students (Volume - 1)

by C. Mohan

  Price : Rs 340.00
  Your Price : Rs 306.00
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  Suitable of the first-semester course in undergraduate engineering and technology, the book presents the necessary mathematical concepts that engineers will be expected to know, namely matrices, three-dimensional analytical geometry, differential calculus, functions of several variables, and multiple integrals. The book uses an informal and user-friendly approach to provide students with a solid mathematical base for their subsequent years of study. Essential topics are covered clearly and concisely through detailed examples. Extensive exercises help students understand and build the confidence to apply mathematics to the solution of engineering problems in higher learning.

Each chapter begins with a brief outline of essential theory, definitions and procedures. However, they are kept to the minimum, because problem-solving is extensively used to train students at this level. It is expected that students gain real understanding through seeing problems solved and then solving similar problems themselves. Learning by example is the method of this book.

The book assumes in the reader little previous knowledge of topics dealt herewith. This also makes it appealing to a wide variety of readers with different mathematical backgrounds.ISBN - 9788130913681

Pages : 344
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