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  Meditation: The First & Last Freedom

Meditation: The First & Last Freedom

by Osho

  Price : Rs 690.00
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  Life in the twenty-first century moves at an ever-increasing pace, creating more and more stress for individuals. Just sitting directly in silent meditation is not as easy as it must have been in Buddha`s time.

Meditation: The First and Last Freedom contains practical step-by-step descriptions of a wide variety of meditation techniques created by Osho, which deal directly with the tensions of contemporary life and leave us feeling alert, refreshed and energized. Osho also explains many ancient and beautiful techniques: Vipassana and Zazen, centering techniques, meditations on light and darkness and meditations on opening the heart.

In addition, Osho answers many questions about meditation including what it is, how to get started, and how to keep going on this inner journey of getting to know ourselves and fulfilling our potential.

"Meditation has a beginning, but no end. It goes on and on, for infinity, for eternity. Mind is a small thing; meditation makes you part of existence. It allows you the freedom of becoming one with the whole."

Pages : 320
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