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  Global Employment Trends 2012 : Preventing a deeper jobs crisis

Global Employment Trends 2012 : Preventing A Deeper Jobs Crisis

by Na

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  The annual Global Employment Trends assesses economic and social developments in global and regional labour markets. Based on the most recently available data and taking into account the macroeconomic context, the report sheds light on employment and unemployment dynamics, providing estimates and short-term projections of employment by sector, vulnerable employment, labour productivity and the working poor, as well as offering analysis of country-level issues and emerging labour market trends. Building on the ILO`s Key Indicators of the Labour Market, the report also includes a consistent set of tables with regional and global estimates and projections of these labour market indicators.

Global Employment Trends 2012: Preventing a deeper jobs crisis reveals a global labour market in severe distress, with one out of three people in the labour market currently either unemployed or poor. The report calls for decisive, coordinated action to reduce the uncertainties that are holding back private investment and to restart the engine of global job creation.


Executive summary

1. The macroeconomic outlook is deteriorating

The global economy has been weakening rapidly

Short-term outlook

Forces acting over the medium term

Scenarios and policy responses

2. Global labour market situation

Unemployment and labour force participation

Employment and labour productivity

Working poverty and vulnerable employment

A grim outlook for global labour markets

3. Regional economic and labour market developments

Developed Economies and European Union

Central and South-Eastern Europe (non-EU) and CIS

Latin America and the Caribbean

East Asia

South-East Asia and the Pacific

South Asia

Middle East

North Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa

4. Policy options for growth with jobs

A recap of jobs lost to the crisis

A worsening youth employment crisis

The global prospects for jobs

Macro policy options to promote growth with jobs


ISBN - 9788171889501

Pages : 120
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