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  The World Was All Before Them

The World Was All Before Them

by Matthew Reyondls

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 509.15
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  Original, exhilarating and tender, The World Was All Before Them is at once an epic and a miniature, and a mesmerizing exploration of the way we live now

am dividing. It is as though I am holding myself cupped in my own hands and I am falling to pieces there, slipping through my fingers. And that is true. That is how we are in the world. We are pieced together out of lots of different bits. It`s magical ...

There are more than seven billion people on the planet.
They have, on average, over 10 billion nerve cells in their brains and 5 litres of blood pumping through their bodies. Their skeletons are made up of 206 bones and their hearts beat approximately 72 times per minute.

They are connected to each other in more ways than they can possibly imagine.

Philip is one of them.
Sue is another.
This is their story.
It is the story of one year and two lives and what it means to live in them.

It is a story about love and courage, risk and betrayal; about the choices we make and the consequences that shape us. It is a story that will make you look at the world with new eyes. ISBN - 9781408817964

Pages : 336
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