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  Political Thought in Action

Political Thought In Action

by Kapila

  Price : Rs 645.00
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  This volume brings together a group of intellectual and social historians to discuss the way in which modern interpretations of the Gita have focused on war and violence, rather than peace and stability, as a site for thinking about politics. The essays gathered here look at the Gita as a philosophical and ethical text both within South Asia and also on its ‘outward journey’ into western political debate. Though part of an ancient epic tradition, the Gita did not achieve its current eminence until very recently. Its resurgence and reinterpretation, in short, is coterminous with the formation of modern life and politics. But if modern commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita cannot be described simply as participating in some ancient and continuing tradition, neither should they be seen merely as the epiphenomena of an abstraction like capitalism that supposedly constitutes the true reality of Indian society.

This set of essays seeks to intervene in current debates within political thought and intellectual history and to offer new perspectives on both. They do so with the presumption that the place of India and its political thought is instructive for and foundational in the making of the national and post-national global order.

The book would be of interest to academic researchers as well as general readers interested in South Asian History, Indian philosophy and religion.
ISBN - 9781107033955

Pages : 220
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