Prefect Love is a love story that revolves around four characters Smriti an innocent, simple girl who believes in love. Shikhar a Casanova, Varun an adamant rich brat, who loves possessing attractive things, and beautiful people and finally, Kahshir The powerful, stone hearted and blood thirsty don of the underworld mafia. Smriti is completely shattered when Shikhar, a very ambitious, dashing heart throb of her college and her childhood sweetheart dumps her for mysterious reasons. Smiriti slips into severe depression, while destiny plans for another bellow in the facade of Varun. Varun forcibly breaks into Smritis life and cleverly convinces her that he genuinely loves her. When she sees how Varun risked his life for her sake, she is forced give up fighting with herself and was forced emotionally and mentally who accept Varuns love. That was the biggest mistakes of her life by falling prey to Varuns deception and betrayal, by trusting him and marrying him. Like a child controlling his video game, Smriti helplessly let Varun control her life. Would Varun still be the same after Smriti and Varun married? Would Smriti know the reason of Kahshir wanting to kill Varun? Would Smriti know what Kahshirs intentions really were?
ISBN - 9789382473077
Pages : 203