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   Indian Empire - Its People, History and Products

Indian Empire - Its People, History And Products

by W W Hunter

  Price : Rs 1350.00
  Your Price : Rs 1188.00
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  Physical Aspects * Population of India * Non-Aryan Races * Aryans in Ancient India * Buddhism In India * Greeks In India * Scythic Inroads into India * Rise of Hinduism * Christianity in India * Early Muhammadan Rulers Mughal Empire * Maratha Power * Indian Vernaculars and their Literature * Early European Settlements * History of British Rule * British Administration of India Agriculture and Products * Means of Communications * Commerce and Trade Arts and Manufactures * Mines and Minerals * Geology * Meteorology * Zoology and Botany * Vital Statistics * Statistical Appendices

William Wilson Hunter is one of the most respected British historians, to have lived during the days of the Raj. This book is the distill of historical material contained in his monumental Imperial Gazetteer of India in 26 volumes (which in itself is the condensed form of the 128 volume Statistical Survey of India, collated by Hunter, again). The book in planned chronologically : it starts with a chapter on the physical and geographical of India, and goes on to describe, among other topics : the population; the non-Aryans; the Aryans; Buddhism; the Greeks in India; Sythic inroads; rise of Hinduism; early Muhammadan dynasties; the Mughals; the Marathas; early European settlements; and British rule. It then gives information on the commercial aspects, the trade, the mineral resources, means of communication, etc. there are 10 appendices that are primarily population charts, and information. This book is a reprint of the 1886 edition ISBN :8120615816

Pages : 747
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