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  Past Lives, Present Miracles

Past Lives, Present Miracles

by Denise Linn

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 360.00
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  An empowering book on reincarnation and past lives and using the information for a better present

Miracles can occur in your life, easily and effortlessly. It`s simply a matter of remembering who you are”and to do this it`s necessary to clear the blockages that stand between you and your soul. Almost all of these obstacles have their roots in your distant past, so it`s valuable to travel back in time to release them. However, most of us are so caught up in limiting beliefs about who we are that it`s almost impossible to take that journey.

In this book, you`ll learn how to travel back to your previous incarnations to release buried obstructions so you can create the miracles in your life that you deserve! It`s safe, easy, and fun . . . and anyone can do it!

You`ll learn how to discover your past lives without ever doing a regression, remove limitations regarding your relationships, abundance, and health that came from your past lives, uncover the symptoms of past-life traumas and how to clear them, even if you don`t believe in reincarnation, understand the roles that loved ones played in your previous incarnations, find your personal guides, spirit guardians, and angels and receive their help . . .and much, much more! ISBN-9781401916824

Pages : 275
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