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  Worthless, Impossible and Stupid : How Contrarian Entrepreneurs Create and Capture Extraordinary Value

Worthless, Impossible And Stupid : How Contrarian Entrepreneurs Create And Capture Extraordinary Value

by Daniel Isenberg

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  Are you a member of the new class of global entrepreneurs? If not, beware--this book may inspire you to become one. It`s a rallying call for those whose ideas were ever called worthless, impossible, or even stupid. In this fascinating read, global entrepreneurship expert Daniel Isenberg illustrates through stories of real business builders the new rules of starting and growing a business. No longer bound by a western "Silicon Valley" approach to entrepreneurship, a new group of enterprising doers has created a global and diverse mix of organizations that could be tomorrow`s leading firms. Stirred by what he saw while crossing the globe to speak with business leaders young and old, Isenberg began connecting the dots. What he found was a wealth of counterintuitive lessons that speak to the new way of creating a business. From Albuquerque to Islamabad, you`ll travel with the author and pick up unusual yet practical insights that you can use. You`ll also be moved by businesses fueled by adversity and even necessity. Great stories, successes, failures--it`s all in here. What can the West learn from them? What can you learn--and what will you be inspired to do? Let "Worthless, Impossible & Stupid: How Contrarian Entrepreneurs Create and Capture Extraordinary Value" be your new manual for making change.

ISBN - 9781422186985

Pages : 282
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