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  Quality Management in Teacher Education

Quality Management In Teacher Education

by Dr. Noorjehan N. Ganihar And Dr. Vinayak K. Bhat

  Price : Rs 990.00
  Your Price : Rs 871.20
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  As teachers, principals, heads of departments and planners and policy makers in education, one might be having this question in your mind - why worry about quality? It is not just because of the UGC directive that one should think of quality, rather quality should be a bottom-up approach and everyone should be conscious of why one should worry about quality of our teaching, programmes and institutions. Teacher education institutions that really understand themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, potentials and limitations are likely to be more successful in carrying out its educational mission than the ones without such self-awareness. So, for all the teachers working in teacher education institutions coming under most of the Universities, workshops or crash courses should be organized for improvement of their Quality Culture. This book may provide opportunities to learn new skills, methods and techniques to keep up with changes and new developments in their specialization.ISBN-9788182204522

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