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  What If They Knew?

What If They Knew?

by Lisa L. Payne

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 280.00
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  Forty-five year old Olive, is an Impressive Woman. She holds a managerial position at a prestigious oil company, lives in a nice home in the suburbs with her husband of 15 years with whom she has two school-aged children. Olive has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, loves to socialize, and makes room in her calendar every month to volunteer at the local food bank and library. She spends her free time attending sporting events with the kids and making special dinners for her hubby on weekly date nights. Yes, Olive is an Impressive Woman by anyones standards. But what if they knew? Olive is overwhelmed.

She has so many balls in the air that shes always teetering on the edge of panic: What if I cant get it all done, on time, and within budget? What if they knew? She pushes herself to exhaustion and eventually, she crashes. When she does, usually, no one knows. She hides it well. Once her husband and kids have left for the day, she calls in sick, buries herself in the covers, and cries. Her biggest fear is that someone will discover her weakness; that people will think less of her if they knew. Olive is overwhelmed with her self-imposed burdens. She wants so desperately to be an Impressive Woman that she has kept this secret locked up inside... ntil now. Read the confessions of Olive and 100 other Impressive Women as they finally reveal the secrets that have been holding them hostage for much of their lives. They are women, just like you and me, who have found the courage to love themselves as they are, and let go of the fears that plague us all. Their stories will touch a chord in you. You will be captivated by the raw truth and emotion as they shed years of pent up anguish and fear. As they are released from bondage, you, the witness, will also be. ISBN-9789381431733

Pages : 260
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