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  Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

by J. K. Rowling

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 509.15
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  J.K. Rowling`s universally popular books have been read and enjoyed by millions of readers. The newly designed ‘Signature’ livery will appeal to the next generation of readers who did not ‘grow up’ with Harry Potter and who have not yet experienced the thrill of life at Hogwarts. The new illustrations are by renowned linocut artist Clare Melinsky and the design has been created by Webb and Webb Design Limited. Clare Melinsky’s illustrations follow the style of traditional woodcuts and will appear on the front cover, back cover and spine for all seven titles in the Harry Potter series. Clare Melinsky commented, ‘I was delighted and excited to be asked to illustrate the covers for such massively famous books – and seven of them! It was top secret for the best part of a year.’The ‘Signature’ livery will be exclusively available in paperback format ISBN - 9781408810590

Pages : 768
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