Your Handwriting speaks itself¦. The way you sign your name, write a letter, or even the way you doodle can reveal more about your personalitythan you might think. Handwriting pattens are indicators of your conscious and unconscious desires, attitudes, strengths, weakness, and more. In just an hour or two, you can gain new insights into your personality traits with Handwriting Secrets Explained. Graphology, the science of handwriting analysis, is used for everything from solving crimes to finding the right employee. In fact, the Wall Street Journal has reported that at least 80 percent of France`s biggest companies use graphology for hiring, especially executives and professionals. Now you can analyze your own handwriting and that of friends and family with this easy-to-use guide. Find out what the slant, stroke, word spacing, margins, size and pressure, letter formations of your writing and your signature reveal about your personality. Compare your writing with samples in this book-it`s that easy!ISBN-9780753711989
Pages : 192